Thursday 30 May 2013

Quick and Easy Way To Get Japanese Xbox Live.

Let me just be clear, this is so easy but it genuinely works. You can not do anything you could do with an Xbox gold account, you can not buy anything, but you can watch video's and download any free demo's.
Some of them can be changed to English, but the majority are Japanese. (I mean how many demo's can you change from English to Japanese? let's be fair)

Anyway, Here goes;

First of all go here -

Sign up for a free hotmail/live/outlook account (whatever it is called now)
When you start signing up fill out all the forms as if you lived in Japan. A lit of Japanese zip codes can be found here:

So sign up with a Japanese address, it shouldn't be hard, find an Area, a street etc, as long as the post code is fine, you should be good.

Okay done that?

Boot up the xbox. Here's a picture of an xbox, just for fun.

 Once it's up and running, create a new profile using the details you just created and VoilĂ ! you can access Japanese Xbox live. As I said you have no privileges at all, but it is fun and exciting so just play about and enjoy it.

Just make sure you create a new profile so you can switch between your original xbox stuff and the Japanese one.

Baring in mind I done this 2 years ago, so if this method doesn't work then please let me know asap and I'll try and find a new way. 
But really it is that easy - Enjoy finding your way around Japanese Demo's :D

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped a few people

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Thursday 23 May 2013

Hash Tag: MeanwhileInJapan

We're planning on taking Twitter by storm with this. Have you spotted or do you own a Funny/Strange/WTF or just plain awesome picture from something in Japan/Japanese? Tweet us @TurnChapanese
Include the Hashtag: MeanwhileInJapan, We'd love to see them.

We'll start you off with a couple we found online:

<<<< GENIUS!!!

The reason the rest of the world is Obese and the Japanese appear healthy.
Diet Water.

TWEET US @TurnChapanese

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Recipe - Chilled Soba Noodles

All the recipe's I write up are tried and tested - they are not my recipes but I have used them and I'm attempting to make them as quick and easy as possible. 
              If I can cook it up, you can probably create an art from it.

So here goes, the first recipe - Chilled Soba Noodles with Tsuyu dipping sauce (perfect for a hot day)

The Ingredients;
 Soba Noodles 
Nori Seaweed (Optional) 
Tsuyu sauce (See down below for more details on this) 
Spring Onions 
And that's it :) 

As far as Equipment, you will need;
 A saucepan
 A colander
 A bowl and a Small bowl for dipping sauce (I used a Chinese tea cup, but you can use anything that works) 

[Tsuyu Sauce - If you have time/patience/money then you can buy Tsuyu sauce online at Japan Centre or If you live near Greenwich, London then you can find it at a local Asian Wholesalers called Duc Tien, it's slightly cheaper there than online. Ask me if you need any more details. 
 If that's all too much for you, then you can always make your own Tsuyu sauce from readily available ingredients. Here's how: 
2 Tablespoons Sugar
2 Tablespoons Mirin 
150ml soy Sauce 
250ml Dashi Stock - Dashi stock can be bought or made by boiling Bonito Flakes in water.

Heat Mirin in a saucepan until it bubbles. Once bubbling, add sugar and stir until the sugar disolves. Add soy sauce and keep stiring until just before boiling point then turn off the heat. Here you can wait a few days for the flavours to infuse or just add dashi stock straight away. Your choice (I recommend buying pre-made if possible)]

 Got all that? Good Let's get cooking 

1) Boil some water in a saucepan, once the water is rapidly boiling pop in the Soba noodles. If you arn't sure of the amount of water needed then just make sure there is enough to cover the noodles at all times. Depending on the type of Soda Noodles you have, they should be ready within 4-5 minutes (it will tell you on the packet for more direct instructions) Stir the noodles a couple of times while cooking. 

2) While the noodles are boiling and all you have to do is stir them, we can get started on making the Tsuyu dipping sauce. If you have a pre-made one then make it according to the bottle (often it's 2-4parts water for each part Tsuyu sauce) Essetially you'll need about 2 Tablespoons Tsuyu sauce and 6 tablespoons water (hot or cold. If you have made the one I mentioned above, then this part is done for you :)

 3) Once the noodles are ready, drain them in the colander (keep the drained water in a jug/cup or another pot if you want - we can use it later - if not throw it). Make sure to wash your noodles thoroughly as they will contain quite a bit of starch. Rinse them in cold water until the water turns clear when draining. Should only take a few minutes. 

4) Chuck the noodles on a plate (Buy a Zaru Bamboo dish if you want to be authentic, sprinkle some Nori seaweed over the noodles and mix a little Wasabi and spring onions into your dipping sauce. 

5) Enjoy your meal

That water we saved from earlier can be added to the left over dipping sauce, making a nice little drink to finish off the meal.

Saturday 18 May 2013

First post back / In The News?? - Chopstick Robbery?

Okay guys, I went away for way too long, and now my obsession with Japan and all things Japanese has hit back, and this time it's hit hard.
When I first started this blog I had a crazy obsession, I loved everything Japanese and considered moving there. Then over time I had other things to think about, I still loved everything I knew about Japan, but I didn't have the time to think too much into it. However, it seems now I have been having withdrawal symptoms and my Asian love affair (My girlfriend won't like me saying that, so sorry <3) has returned with a vengeance. Now I don't only want to move there, live there, speak their language and eat their food, I don't feel like I'm at home anywhere else. Which is unbearable considering I've never even been. Crazy right?
So here I am again at the blog, trying to channel my passionate fondling through the medium of words.
Japan fans - Welcome back let's get this show on the road.

I thought I'd start back with the thing I loved writing about the most, a segment called "Is This News?"
For those who do not remember, or have never read any other posts of mine, this segment consists of the craziest things I've found in the news, or things I can't believe even happened to begin with, let alone made it outside of Japan;

The first post I found amazed me, as much as I struggled to call it "talent" (as it's unlawful) it is absolutely incredible, and I will be brave enough to call it; A talent.

As you can see, this guy is chasing after a woman on a bike, with a pair of chopsticks in his hands. Seems legit. Also seems like something relatively normal.
Anyway watch what happens next:

Yup. That's him pickpocketing a woman using his trusted chopsticks. And some of you guys thought eating with chopsticks was hard.
So I was reading this story on and I was thinking 'this is really cool, but what does he plan on stealing with a pair of chopsticks'

Turns out - A phone. And here he is using the phone just minutes after taking it out of the pocket of a woman riding a bike with a pair of chopsticks.

All sounds easy enough, right?

All pictures were taken from weirdasiannews - check them out

As I said, a crime but at the same time a stroke of genius. Talking of intelligent crimes;


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the world of a man named Shota Ishibashi.
Mr Ishibashi is a 25 Year Old, Unemployed, apparently pretty clever family man.

Here's the story - As someone who was unemployed, money must have been pretty tight for Shota Ishibashi, regardless of the money issues he may have been facing he desperately wanted to go and visit his grandmother ( a good 260 miles away from where Shota was). Now before I go on, I want you to think about this for a second, as the person you are now;

You are unemployed, money is a little tight but you want to visit your grandmother 260 miles away, what's the first thing you think to do? Find a way of making some money for a train ticket, maybe sell some possessions if you're that desperate? that's what I would do anyway. Maybe that's because I'm not as clever as young Shota.

Mr Ishibashi walked into a Toyota dealership lied through his teeth and gained the trust of all staff there. Somehow he managed to convince them to allow him to take a $77,000 Lexus for a test drive with no-one in the passenger seat. All Ishibashi was told was "Make sure it's back within 30 minutes"

Anyway 2 hours later the delearship realised something was wrong and called the police. The police used the GPS tracker in the car to locate it, along with Mr Ishibashi about 130 miles away in a supermarket parking lot. Ishibashi was later arrested for theft (which is a shame, up until then it was fantastic)

I do wonder what he would of said to them when he returned from visiting his grandmother?
Still, next time you are a bit low on cash and need to visit someone, pop down to Ford and see what they're offering.

Source: - Itai News

Okay guys, don't lose focus now, this is important part.

We're back, and it feels great to be writing and sharing my love of all things Chapanese (Chinese/Japanese)
Albeit a bit bias towards Japan.
Thanks for your patience and continued support.
You can catch us on twitter -  @TurnChapanese or facebook
It'd be great to hear from some readers and chat some Japan.

Thanks once again, I'm humbled you chose to read our blog.
See you guys next week with a new blog post (please please please share this one)