Friday 25 January 2013

In the news/ Yamanote Line Accident:

The Yamanote line is one of Japan's busiest railway lines. Consisting of 29 stations circling Tokyo, it is used to connect most commuters to both Major and Urban areas of the City.

I have to admit I am personally a fan of Rail lines/Trains etc, especially those Japanese ones.

Although, it's not that I am really a fan, I just love the look of the Japanese trains, and if they had a Japanese train line on any simulator I would play it..

Here's your average train running on the Yamanote Line:

There's something very stylish about these trains, well I think so anyway. I will probably do a post about Japanese Trains at one point, just because their system is amazing.

However this post is slightly less upbeat unfortunatly.

A couple of days ago the words "Jinshin Jiko" echoed around all stations on the Yamanote Line.

Jinshin Jiko literally means "Human Body Accident".

Of course accidents happen all the time, but unfortunately as this is Japan (and the suicide rate is relatively high there) I would assume this is more of a suicide than an accident.

The area of glass that is smashed seems to be just the right height of that of someone who would have jumped a bit.

All thoughts will undoubtedly go out to the mans family (if he had family) but more so I think to the driver. Who came to work the same as he did everyday, but went home to a life that will never be the same again. It's a horrible thing from all angles.

Eye witnesses of the event, took to twitter to post some pictures from the station:

The train lines were up and running again pretty fast as Authorities rushed to remove any evidence of the "Accident" and return the trains to normal service. However after doing a bit of reading online apparently one twitter user stated that "as much as all the evidence is removed, the rush of air pulling into the station brings with it a scent of blood".

It's a real shame, not only that this incident occurred but the sheer number of times it occurs in Japan. It seems that people have become numb to the words Jinshin Jiko. Although the sight of the accident will most likely remain horrific, the words seem to no longer have effect on people.

The reactions started out as tweets expressing the fact that there will be delays on the JR (Japan Railway) line, although once the news about what happened spread the tweets soon change to that of Horror. It just shows that the words alone were not enough.

It's a terrible accident and hopefully theres not too many blog posts like this.

However it's in the news and it deserves to be shared.


Enjoy your weekend, and be careful.


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