Friday 28 December 2012

Brief meditation

Well today hasn't been that productive, i spent the majority of the day cleaning. To be honest I'm fine with that. I've really sorted my room out. It's a lot more organised than it ever has been. I would completely recommend you take the time out of your day to organise the space around you.
The thing is, it's been bought to my attention, from a more intelligent and well informed being that this organised, minimalistic household is a very stereotypical western view on Asian culture.
I definitely do not want to give that impression and as much as I may come across a bit arrogant to this culture believe me that is far from what I'm trying to achieve.

As not much happened today I will talk a little about meditation and what I've learnt so far.

So meditation.
Let me start by saying, I can almost guarantee that what you think you know about meditation. You don't.
Or maybe that was just me.
Either way, from what I've learnt it's all about just being still. It's not about blocking thoughts, it's not about attempting to change your mind state. It's all about just being.
As you read this I would like to invite you to meditate with me. I will try to write some very brief instructions for you but I would like everyone to attempt it in their own way.

Start off sitting comfortably, take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. For a few minutes just breathe normally, counting every breath in until ten, then restart

Breathe in - 1
Breathe out - 2
Breathe in - 3 etc etc until ten and then start from 1

When you begin to feel comfortable with that, stop counting and just be. Be still for 10 or so minutes. Open your eyes slowly, give a nice stretch and carry on with your day.

A more impressive post soon but for now let me now how you get one with the meditation.

Follow me on twitter @TurnChapanese

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