Thursday 27 December 2012

What's happening?

Somehow you have stumbled across this page, welcome.
Today I had a thought, an idea to change my life. Whether that change will be major or minimal who knows. Anyway, I've decided to live like an Asian.
Bare with me..

At the moment, I'm an average south London white guy. 21 years old, not a huge lover of my job, don't get paid enough, don't have a happy home life, I'm not well educated, suffer with severe anxiety and generally complain a lot about life. But you've heard all that before.
So I've decided I no longer care. I have an obsession with Asian culture and I want to take that to the next step. So I'm starting today, well tomorrow.
First I will de-clutter my room and organise it a little better. Everything will have space. And I will create enough space for me to sit. Maybe try and add some nature to that shit as well.

I will shop at a local Asian supermarket and eat Asian meals. (I say Asian, actually just the Chinese and Japanese section, I'll rename that to chapanese)
So I'll buy chapanese ingredients and cook chapanese meals. Simple enough.

Meditation will become a daily practice. Maybe it will help eliminate stress, maybe it won't. But in my very ignorant stereotypical view, it seems like an Asian thing to do. Plus I like the idea of it.

Essentially that's it. It all sounded a lot more exciting and adventurous in my head. Written down it just seems a bit pointless. And something probably no-one will care for. But welcome to the Internet. A place everyone does something no one cares about.

This something is called Turning Chapanese!
I hope you'll join me on my journey and hopefully it will all get a bit more interesting along the way.


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